Avocado 24 RDTA BY GeekVape is a high-grade stainless steel and pyrex glass atomizer,A cheap price and 20%off dicount , that supports a large 5ml juice capacity.
The Original GeekVape Genesis procuct released the hot sale product .Avocado 24 ,
which is the big brother from GeekVape. it offers all of the remarkable features of the original avocado tank ,.
Moreover features 24mm outside diameter for ease of build and fill (Velocity deck with Hinge lock fill system). The Avocado 24 RDTA tank is available for both single or dual coil.
GeekVape Avocado 24 RDTA Atomizer Features
- -5ml Tank Capacity
- -24mm Diameter
- -Genesis-style Deck
- -Eaty to Build and Refill
- -Available for Single & Dual Coil
- -2 Drip Tip Options Included
- -Peek Insulator Raw Material Made in USA
- -Hardness of 316SS Set Screws at 55-58HRC by 1200 Nitrogen Surface Treatment
- -Silica Glass Tube: High Tempeture & Acid Resitant